boudicca lived nearly two thousand years ago in ancient britain she married a king and become Queen of the lceni a trible from east anglia but life wasn't easy because in 43 AD the romans invaded britain when boudicca's husband died the Romans wanted his land but buddica didn't want to give it to the Romans so they attacked her and her daughters. budicca was very angry and she decided to fight she builta big army of lceni soldiers and attacked Roman towns she burned down three towns and killed thousands of Romans budicca was a very scary soldier Queen she was tall and she had long red hair and a very loud voice before every battle she painted her face and nails with blueberry juice to scary the Romans but the romans hada huge army and they defeated the rebelqueen in Boudicca's last batle the roman's last battle the romans killed 80.000 lceni only 400 Romans died after this the proud queen decided to end her life she deank poison and killed herself nobody is sure where her body lies but it is probably under platform in london's king's Cross station
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Boudica zyla blisko 2000 lat temu w starozytnej Brytanii wyszla za maz za krola i stala sie krolowa plemienia Iceni z wschodniej brytanii. Ale zycie nie bylo latwe bo w 43 (nie wiem co to AD)rzymianie podbili brytanie, kiedy maz boudicci umarl rzymianie chcieli jego ziemie, ale budicca nie chciala jej oddac rzymianom wiec zaatakowali ja i jej corki. Budicca byla bardzo zla i zdecydowala sie walczyc. Zbudowala duza armie zolnierzy Iceni i zaatakowala miasta rzymian. Spalila trzy miasta i zabila tysiace rzymian, budicca byla bardzo przerazajacym zolnierzem-krolowa. Byla wysoka i miala dlugie rude wlosy i bardzo glosny glos. Przed kazda bitwa malowala swoja twarz i paznokcie sokiem z jagod, aby przestraszyc rzymian, ale rzymianie mieli ogromna armie i pokonali rebeliancka krolowa. W ostatniej bitwie boudicci rzymianie zabili 80000 Icenow, a jedynie 400 rzymian zmarlo, po tym dumna krolowa zdecydowala sie zakonczyc swoje zycie i wypila trucizne i zabila sie. Nikt nie jest pewien gdzie lezy jej cialo, ale jest prawdopodobne ze pod platforma krola londynu, Cross station.