Przetłumacz biografie Jules Gabriel Verne z polskiego na angielski.BIOGRAFIA:
Jules Gabriel Verne był znany jako dziadek sciene fiction. Był świetnym pisarzem i napisał wiele książek włączając "Podróż do środka Ziemi" , "Z ziemi na księżyc" , "W 80 dni dokoła świata" i "Pięć tygodni w balonie" ,które są ciągle sławne dzisiaj. Verne urodził się w 1828 w Nantes, we Francji. Studiował prawo w Paryżu ,ale zamiast zostać prawnikiem zaczął pisać. Był podróżnikiem ,jak również autorem. Miał 3 łodzie i uwielbiał żeglować. Jules ożenił się w 1857 z Honorine de Viane, bardzo zamożną kobietę. Został maklerem giełdowym, ale nie przestał pisać. 4 lata później mieli syna, Michel. Jules Verne napisał opowiadania sceine fiction, które przepowiedziały wiele przyszłych wydarzeń i wynalazków. Zmarł w 1905, w wieku 77 lat.
tłumaczenie nie których słów:
including - włączając to include - zawierać to become - zostać, stać się a traveller - podróżnik as well as - jak również to get married - ożenić się wealthy - zamożny to predict - przewidzieć, przepowiedzieć an event - wydarzenie an invention - wynalazek
JulesGabrielVernewas known as thegrandfather ofscience fiction.He was an excellentwriter andhas writtenmany booksincluding "Journey to thecenter of the Earth", "From theEarthto the Moon","In80 daysaround theworld"and"FiveWeeks in a Balloon," which arestillfamoustoday. Vernewas bornin 1828in Nantes, France.He studied lawin Paris, butinsteadto become a lawyerbegan to write.He wasa traveler,as well asan author.He hadthreeboats andloved tosail. Julesin 1857he marriedHonorinedeVianefroma verywealthywoman.He wasstockbroker,but he continued towrite.4 years laterhad a son, Michel. Jules Vernewrote astorysceinefictionthatpredictedmanyfuture eventsand inventions.He diedin 1905at the age of77 years.
Jules Gabriel Verne has famous like grandfather sciensce fiction. He was a great wrtiten, and he was written a lot of books for exeple " Podroz do okola swiata". "z ziemi na ksiezyc","w 80 dni do okola swiata:and "pięć tygodni w balkonie. and they are still famous.
Verne was born in Nantes in france in 1828. He studdied lo in Paris, but he start write. He was a journalist and authour. He was a 3 boats and he love stail them. Jules got married in 1857 wtih...(), very rich women. He became a makler giełdowy, but he wasnt finished write. 4 years later they had got a son. michael. Jules Verne wrote nowels science fiction, which predicted a lot of future events and inventions. He died in 1905, he was 55 years old.
JulesGabrielVernewas known as thegrandfather ofscience fiction.He was an excellentwriter andhas writtenmany booksincluding "Journey to thecenter of the Earth", "From theEarthto the Moon","In80 daysaround theworld"and"FiveWeeks in a Balloon," which arestillfamoustoday.
Vernewas bornin 1828in Nantes, France.He studied lawin Paris, butinsteadto become a lawyerbegan to write.He wasa traveler,as well asan author.He hadthreeboats andloved tosail.
Julesin 1857he marriedHonorinedeVianefroma verywealthywoman.He wasstockbroker,but he continued towrite.4 years laterhad a son, Michel.
Jules Vernewrote astorysceinefictionthatpredictedmanyfuture eventsand inventions.He diedin 1905at the age of77 years.
Jules Gabriel Verne has famous like grandfather sciensce fiction. He was a great wrtiten, and he was written a lot of books for exeple " Podroz do okola swiata". "z ziemi na ksiezyc","w 80 dni do okola swiata:and "pięć tygodni w balkonie. and they are still famous.
Verne was born in Nantes in france in 1828. He studdied lo in Paris, but he start write. He was a journalist and authour. He was a 3 boats and he love stail them. Jules got married in 1857 wtih...(), very rich women. He became a makler giełdowy, but he wasnt finished write. 4 years later they had got a son. michael. Jules Verne wrote nowels science fiction, which predicted a lot of future events and inventions. He died in 1905, he was 55 years old.
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