Po tym jak przyszedł do domu zrobił obiad,potem włączył telewizor.
Gdy odkurzałam dywan zadzwonił telefon.
Jedliśmy śniadanie gdy usłyszeliśmy dziwny hałas.
Gdy szedłem przez las zobaczyłem olbrzymią, straszną postać.
W zimie robi się ciemno bardzo wcześnie.
1 After how he had come home he made the dinner, then he turned the television on. 2 When I vacuumed the carpet a phone rang. 3 We ate the breakfast when we heard the strange noise. 4 When I went through forest I saw the enormous, terrible form. 5 In the winter it's getting dark very early.
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After he came home , he made dinner, then switched on the TV. When I was vacuuming a carpet the phone rang. We was eating breakfast when we heard a strange noise. When I was walking through the forest I saw a huge, horrible person. In the winter ,it gets dark very early.
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1. After he came home I made dinner, then I turned on the television. 2. When I was vacuming the carpet the phone rang. 3. We were eating breakfast when we heard a weird noise. 4. When I was walking through the forest, I saw a giant figure. 5. In the winter it gets dark very early.
2 When I vacuumed the carpet a phone rang.
3 We ate the breakfast when we heard the strange noise.
4 When I went through forest I saw the enormous, terrible form.
5 In the winter it's getting dark very early.
When I was vacuuming a carpet the phone rang.
We was eating breakfast when we heard a strange noise.
When I was walking through the forest I saw a huge, horrible person.
In the winter ,it gets dark very early.
2. When I was vacuming the carpet the phone rang.
3. We were eating breakfast when we heard a weird noise.
4. When I was walking through the forest, I saw a giant figure.
5. In the winter it gets dark very early.