Przetłumacz: 1. Zamierzam kupić te nowe Nike (to be going to ) 2. Jutro kupuję sobie fajne spodnie ( P. Continuous) 3. Jadę z kolegą do Włoch. Kupiliśmy bilety (P.Continuous) 4. Pomogę Ci z wyborem najtańszych biletów do Włoch ( Future Simple ) 5. Mam zamiar spędzić ferie zimowe we Włoszech (To be going to)
1. I`m going to buy new Nike. 2. Tomorrow I buy great trousers. 3. I go to Italy with my friend. We bought a tickets. 4. I will help you with the selection of the cheapest tickets to Italy. 5. I`m going to spend winter holidays in Italy.
2. Tomorrow I buy great trousers.
3. I go to Italy with my friend. We bought a tickets.
4. I will help you with the selection of the cheapest tickets to Italy.
5. I`m going to spend winter holidays in Italy.