Przetłumacz: 1. w okresie dojrzewania człoweik staje sie buntowniczy i niecierpliwy. 2.jakie sa najczęstsze przyczyny konfliktu pokolen? 3.Nie zgadzam sie z Toba, uwazam ,z e posiadanie rodziny jest wazniejsze niz kariera zawodowa. 4.moja rodzina jest bardzo duza, mam siostre i brata oraz 11 kuzynów 5.jak jest twoja ulubiona forma spedzania wolnego czasu z rodziną? 6.Pozytywne srtony dorostania w rodzinie wielopokoleniowej to tradycja i miłosc kogo z rodziny zwracasz sie o rade kiedy masz problem? 8.rodzina w przyszłosci bedzie idealne, bez konfliktow. 9.nie zgadzam sie z toba, uwazam , ze tradycyjny podział ról w rodziie nie jest najlepszym rozwiazaniem 10.W jakich pracach domowych, pomagszz najchetniej? 11.W moim domu panuje równy podział obowiazków, kazdy ma przydzielone swoje obowiazki, które musi wykonac. 12.jakie sa twoje ulubione formy spedzania wolnego czasu? 13.moze, pomoge ci w organizowaniu tojego wieczoru pozegnalnego? 14.Powinnismy pojsc do kina, graja teraz swietny film. 15.w polsce najpopularniejsze swieta to b.nar. i wielkanoc 16.jak spedziłas ubiegloroczne swieta boz.nar? 17.moze pomoga wam w przygotowaniu tego swieta. 18.jak wygladaja ceremonie slubne w twiom kraju? 19.ostatnio mialam urodziny, swietowałm z przyjaciółmi i rodzina, my tanczylismy i jedlismy totr.
1.In during puberty man becomes rebellious and impatient. 2.What are the most common causes of conflict generations? 3.Don't agree with you, I think that having a family is more important than career. 4.My family is very big, I have a sister and brother and 11 cousins. 5.How is your favorite form of leisure activities with your family? 6.Positive aspects of growing up in a multigenerational family tradition and love. 7.To whom the family asks for advice when you have a problem? 8.Family in the future will be perfect, without any conflicts. 9.Don't agree with you, I believe that a traditional division of roles in the family isn't the best solution. 10.What household chores, helping prefer? 11.In my house there is an equitable division of duties, each is assigned its obligations, which must perform. 12.What are your favorite forms of leisure activities? 13.Maybe that will help you in organizing your evening farewell? 14.Should go to the movies, play now excellent film. 15.In poland is a popular feast, Christmas and Easter. 16.How you spent last year's Christmas? 17.Can help you in preparing the feast. 18.How look like wedding ceremonies in your country? 19.It was my birthday, celebrated with friends and family, we danced and ate cake.
2.What are the most common causes of conflict generations?
3.Don't agree with you, I think that having a family is more important than career.
4.My family is very big, I have a sister and brother and 11 cousins.
5.How is your favorite form of leisure activities with your family?
6.Positive aspects of growing up in a multigenerational family tradition and love.
7.To whom the family asks for advice when you have a problem?
8.Family in the future will be perfect, without any conflicts.
9.Don't agree with you, I believe that a traditional division of roles in the family isn't the best solution.
10.What household chores, helping prefer?
11.In my house there is an equitable division of duties, each is assigned its obligations, which must perform.
12.What are your favorite forms of leisure activities?
13.Maybe that will help you in organizing your evening farewell?
14.Should go to the movies, play now excellent film.
15.In poland is a popular feast, Christmas and Easter.
16.How you spent last year's Christmas?
17.Can help you in preparing the feast.
18.How look like wedding ceremonies in your country?
19.It was my birthday, celebrated with friends and family, we danced and ate cake.