Przetulumacz na jezyk angielski. Cześć nazywam sie Gosia. Chodze do Liceum Ogolnokształcacego zaocznie. Moje zajecia odbywaja sie co dwa tygodnie w sobote i niedziele. Szkoła ta wymaga wiekszość swojej własnej pracy. By zdać dany semestr liczy sie obecność jak i prace kontrolne,jak w kazdej szkole mamy zadania domowe jak i rowniez odpowiadamy na koniec danego semestru. W szkole pracuja bardzo wykwalifikowani nauczyciele, ktorzy bardzo dobrze tlumacza nam tematy. Moja grupa liczy 50 osob jestesmy bardzo zgrani oraz nawzajem sobie pomagamy. Ciesze sie ze mam taka grupe, przede mna jeszcze 4 semestry mam nadzieje ze z wszystkimi ktorymi teraz chodze do klasy ze wszyscy zostana .Pani dyrektor oraz frono pedagogiczne rozumie nasze problemy i probuje zawsze nam pomoc.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi my name is Goshia. I go to High School in absentia. My classes are held every two weeks on Saturdays and Sundays. This school requires most of their own work. To pass the semester counts and the presence of audit work, as we have in every school homework and also respond to the end of the semester. At school, teachers are working very skilled, very good interpreter who we topics. My group consists of 50 people and we are very Tune the help each other. I'm glad you have such a group, even before me 4 semesters I hope all of whom now come to the class with everyone will be. Ms. director and teaching staff understands our problems and always trying to help us.
Hi my name is Goshia. I go to High School in absentia. My classes are held every two weeks on Saturdays and Sundays. This school requires most of their own work. To pass the semester counts and the presence of audit work, as we have in every school homework and also respond to the end of the semester. At school, teachers are working very skilled, very good interpreter who we topics. My group consists of 50 people and we are very Tune the help each other. I'm glad you have such a group, even before me 4 semesters I hope all of whom now come to the class with everyone will be. Ms. frono director and teacher understands our problems and always trying to help us.