1. Obecnie wielu ludzi uwaza, ze Boze Narodzenie jest zbyt komercyjne. 2. W moim miescie nie mamy zbyt wielu rozrywek. 3. Czuje presje kiedy nauczyciele pytaja mnie zbyt czesto lub kiedy mam duzo zlych ocen. 4. Mam swietny pomysl jak przyciagnac klientow. Dajmy im rabat. 5. Jestem znudzony kiedy musze robic te same rzeczy tego samego dnia. 6. Boze Narodzenie jest dla mnie wazna uroczystoscia. Uwielbiam wieszac swiateczne dekoracje i przygotowywac pyszne jedzenie.
1. Currently many people think that Christmas is too commercial. 2. We don't have too many entartainments in my city. 3. I feel the pressure when the teachers ask me too often or when I have many bad notes. 4. I have a great idea how to attract customers. Let's give them a discount. 5. I'm bored when I have to do the same things on the same day. 6. Christmas is an important celebration to me. I love hanging Christmas decorations and preparing delicious food.
2. We don't have too many entartainments in my city.
3. I feel the pressure when the teachers ask me too often or when I have many bad notes.
4. I have a great idea how to attract customers. Let's give them a discount.
5. I'm bored when I have to do the same things on the same day.
6. Christmas is an important celebration to me. I love hanging Christmas decorations and preparing delicious food.