Przetlumacz zdania: 1.Jeśli rząd nas nie posłucha, zorganizujemy demonstracje. 2.Gdybyśmy posłuchali ekologów, nie zanieczyszczylibysmy naszej rzeki. 3. Co byś zrobił, gdybyś był prezydentem USA? 4. Jeśli nie powstrzymany globalnego ocieplenia, niektóre kraje zostaną zalane. 5. Gdybyśmy się spodziewali jakichś gości, zrobilibysmy zakupy. 6. Gdyby transport publiczny był lepszy, to bym z niego korzystał.
1.If the government doesn't listen to us, we will organise a demonstration 2.If we had listened to the ecologists, we wouldn't have pollute our river 3.What would you do if you were the US President? 4.If we don't stem the global warming, some countries will be flooded 5.If we had expected some guests, we would have done shopping 6.If the public transport was better, I would use it.
2.If we had listened to the ecologists, we wouldn't have pollute our river
3.What would you do if you were the US President?
4.If we don't stem the global warming, some countries will be flooded
5.If we had expected some guests, we would have done shopping
6.If the public transport was better, I would use it.