przetlumacz w czasie past continous
1 Słuchałeś muzyki wieczorem?
2 Telefon dzwonił przez 15 minut
3 mike szukał swojej komorki caly wieczór
4 wczoraj caly dzien padało
5 jechałem do pracy kiedy wydarzyl sie wypadek
6 czy nauczyciel krzyczał kiedy wszedłes do klasy ?
7 zeszłej nocy linda i jej koleżanki tańczyły na dyskotece.
8 karen pisała raporty wczoraj 0 7
9 pan jones podlewał kwiaty cały dzień
10 Susan szła do klubu kiedy ją spotkałem
tylko nie z tłumacza prosze
daje naj ;))
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Were you listening to music in the evening?
The phone was ringing for fifteen minutes.
Mike was looking for his cellphone during whole evening.
It was raining all the day yesterday.
I was driving to work when an accident happened.
Were teacher screaming when you went to the classroom?
Last night, Linda and her friends were dancing in the disco.
Karen was writing reports yesterday at seven.
Mister Jones was watering flowers all the day.
Susan was going to the club when I met her.
1. Where you listening to music in the evening ?
2. The phone was ringing for 15 minutes.
3. Mike was looking for him phone all evening
4. Yesterday, all day was rained
5. I was drivingto work whenthe accident occurred
6. theteacher was cringwhenyou walked into theclass?
7. last night,Lindaand her friendsdancingat a disco.
8. karen was writingreportsyesterday0 7
9. Mr.Jones waswateringthe flowersall day
10. Susan was going to the clubwhenI met her