nisław Moniuszko - biografia, życiorysStanisław Moniuszko urodził się 5 maja 1819 roku w Ubielu. Rodzina kompozytoramieszkała
na Białorusi do roku 1827. Kiedy Moniuszko miał osiem lat, wraz z rodzicami przeniósł się do Warszawy.Mały muzyk początkowo nauczany był przez własną matkę, która posiadała pewną muzyczną wiedzę. Kiedy jednak skończył osiem lat, został zapisany na prywatne lekcje do znanego wówczas artysty – Augusta Freyera. Już wtedy Moniuszko wykazywał ogromne umiejętności i był niezwykle pojętnym uczniem. Kilka lat później rodzina ponownie przeniosła się za granicę, tym razem do Mińska. Chłopak nie zamierzał rezygnować z doskonalenia swoich zdolności, dlatego nadal pobierał lekcje. Jego nauczycielem
został wówczas Czesław Stefanowicz.W roku 1837 Moniuszko opuścił dom
rodzinny i wyjechał do Berlina, aby uczyć się muzyki u Carla Friedricha Rungenhagena. Studia skończył trzy lata później. Przez całe swoje życie dużo..." Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Stanisław Moniuszko - biography
Stanisław Moniuszko born to on 5 May 1819 in Ubielu. His Family lived on Belarus to 1827. When Moniuszko was eight , he moved to Warsaw with his parents . The young musician at first was taught by the own mother which had the sure musical wisdom. But when he finished eight years, he was enrolled in the private tuition to the known then artist – Augusta Freyera. Then Moniuszko already demonstrated huge abilities and he was quick to learn extremely. Later the family again carried a few years over oneself abroad, this time to Minsk. The boy wasn't going to give up from improving his abilities, therefore still he took lessons. Then Czesław Stefanowicz became his teacher. In 1837 Moniuszko vacated the family house and he left for Berlin in order to learn the music at Carl of Rungenhagena Friedrich. He finished college three years later. By in one piece one's life much...
Stanisław Moniuszko - biography, life
Stanisław Moniuszko was born on 5th May 1819 in Ubiel. The family of composer lived in Belarus by 1827. When Moniuszko had 8 years, he moved with parents to Warsaw.
Initially little musician was educated by his mother, which had some knowlege of music. When he ended 8 years, he has been saved for private lessons to known artist - August Freyer. Already Moniuszko showed huge skills and he was extremely apt student. Few years later his family moved abroad again, this time to Minsk. Boy didn't intend to cancel to improve his capacity, so he continued to collect lessons. His teacher was Czesław Stefanowicz.
In 1837 Moniuszko left family house and moved to Berlin, to learn music from Carl Friedrich Rungenhagen. Studies finished three years later. By all his life much...