Przetlumacz na jezyk angielski uzywajac wyrazow there is lub there are
Moja wymazona klase wyobrazam sobie jako impreza podczas ktorej mozna sie uczyc.Nie ma tam tablicy ani innych informacji ani zadnych innych dodatkowych rzeczy.W mojej klasie znajduje sie jedzienie i picie oraz wygodne siedzenie na kanapach i taneczny parkiet.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I imagine my class as a party on which you can learn. There is neither blackboard nor any other information nor any additional things. In my class there is food and something to drink, there are comfortable seats and there is a dance floor.
Mydreamimagine myclassas an eventinwhich you canlearn. There is notableor any otherinformation oranyother additionalfor.Thismy classroomis locatedwe goand drinkand a comfortableseaton thesofaand dance floor.