Przetlumacz na angielski i dokoncz historie.
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Jacek kiedyś poszedł do szkoły , a w szkole zauważył , że ...................
Dam naj !!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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One day Jacek went to school, and when he got there he had realized that the day was friday the 13th. He started feeling very anxious and was sure something bad will happen to him today. His thoughts soon became real. Just as he walked through the classroom door he tripped over someone's school bag and fell flat on the floor. That was when he got really scared. With face looking as red as a beetroot, he slowly got up and went over to his desk. As he sat down he felt something wet and cold on his bottom. He quickly got up but it was too late - there was a huge, wet patch right on him bottom. It really looked as if he has wet himself, which was extremely embarassing. He grabbed him school bag and sped off to the toilet. His teacher just looked at him with amusement and continued to her lesson. When Jacek got to the toilets he loooked at his bottom in the mirror and decided he is going to go home. He has put his jacket over the wet patch and ran home. He met his mum in the kitchen. He told her all about what happened to him this morning, but she just laughed and said he shouldn't worry too much about silly things like that.
o to moje imie to zrobie xD
Long time ago Jacek went to school, and at the school he notice that all his friends turned into zombies ! He was very scared. Jacek Notice also that his teacher - Mrs. Wrzesień is still a normal human being. He decide to help her, so he grab an axe and break through curtain of living death ! When Mrs. Wrzesień was save he call the police but they don't belive him. Jacek recognizethat he can relyonlyon himself. He decide to set a fire to the school. When all zombies was REALY dead he back to his home for dinner. No one belive in to this story. Only Mrs. Wrzesień knows the truth.......
Dawno temu jacek poszedł do szkoły i w szkole zauważył że wszyscy jego przyjaciele zamienili sie w ziombi. Bardzo sie bał. Jacek zauwazyl rowinez ze jego nauczycielka - Pani Wrzesien dalej jest normalnym czlowiekiem. postanowil jej pomoc , wiec złapał za topór i przebił się przez kurtyne żywej śmierci. kiedy Pani Wrzesien byla bezpieczna , wezwał policje. oni jednak nie uwierzyli mu. Jacek zrozumial ze moze polegac tylko na sobie . zdecydowal podpalic szkole. kiedy wszystkie zombi byly NAPRAWDE martwe wrócił do domu na obiad. Nikt nie wierzyl w jego opowiesc. Tylko Pani Wrzesien znała prawde....