Przetlumacz na ang. Na godzine przed zawodami zacza padac deszcz. Na bpisku bylo duzo blota lecz zawody nie zostaly odwolane. Po wystartowaniu poslizgnelam sie lecz boeg ukonczylam jako pierwsza. Cala klasa ze zdumieniem gratulowala mi zwyciestwa. Prosze nie z tlumacza!
It had been raining one our before the competition started. There were a lot of mud on the pitch but in spite of this the tournament weren't cancelled. After the start I had slipped on the mire but I finished run as a first one. All my classmates compliement me on my winning with amazement.
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It started raining one hour before the competition. There were a lot of dirt on the stadium but the competition wasn't cancelled. Just after the race started I slipped in the mud, but despite this accident I won the run. Whole my class congratulated me on my winning. Please, not from the translator!