przetlumacz i odpowiedz na pytania you thinks it's good for the children to spend time at the computer
2.what sort of thinks do you use computers for?
3.have you anyone yoy know ever had a problem with a computer? tell me about it.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Czy uwazasz, ze to dobrze jeśli dzieci spedzaja czas przed kompem
2. dla jakich rzeczy uzywasz kompa
3. czy kogoś kogo znasz miał kiedykolwiek problem z komputere?
ad1. In my opinion it depens.If children use computer for finding some useful information it is good cause we all know that the Internet can be the biggest source of information. But on the other hand I think that children can't play for a long time on the computer because it can become an addiction.
ad2. I use computer for surfing in the Internet, watching my favourite TV shows and playing games like (tutaj mozna wpisać grę)
ad 3. Couple months ago my sister/brother/mother/... had a probler with the compter. Some hackers page-jacked her web-site and stole a lot of secret information. She had to carry the computer to the best computer scientist and he halped her in getting back t information.