Przemówienie na temat telewizji.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I like towatch TVandthinkthat this isanicewayto spendtime.Manyinterestingthingswe seeon television.
A lotcan belearned.
Cablealso hasdrawbacks.
Spoils thelookand it takesvaluable time.
Why nothave a badinfluenceonchildren.
Oftenthey flyin thetelevisionmovieswith violence.
A lotof peopledoes not payattention to itandwatchingit.
Thetelevisionalsoflyeducational programs.
Fairy talesarea greatlesson forBabies.
Adultsaftera hardday at workcanwatch adocumentaryfilm.
Myfavoriteprogramisthe worldaccording to thepoor.
This is afuncomedy.
showsthe overall conclusionthattelevisionhas its advantagesand disadvantages.
Readslowly,ittakesthree minutes.