October 2018 1 615 Report

Przekształć zdania, używając podanych wyrazów w niezmienionej formie.

1. We are hiking across the sixth country. We'll reach Spain soon. - when

2. These shelves haven't been dusted for weeks. - it's weeks

3. They started to fight after wedding. - since

4. They weren't always as well of as they are now. - use

5. I cen still smell a cigarette's smoke in this room. - someone

6. Philip was going to turn off the light when he heard the door bell. - about
7. He used to overtake all the cars. This drove me mad. - always

8. I hed never seen a live rhinoceros before. - first time

9. She's behaving rudely. - being

10. In spring we used to get up early on Sundays and go for excursion. - would

11. Josie is washing her clothes. Tomorrow they will all be clean. - by tomorrow

12. Paula is very pale. - faint

13. I have never been to Las Vegas before. - first

14. Norman's ex-gerlfriend has an irritating habit of calling me to ask how he is. - constantly

15. They've been married for nearly 40 years. They have an anniversary in June. - by June

16. I haven't been to a football match since 1998. - last

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