DUŻO PUNKTÓW !!! Daje naj!!! Proszę o pomoc!! Uczestniczyłeś w festiwalu młodych twórców w swoim mieście. Piszesz email do koleżanki a Anglii, która organizuje podobną imprezę.
- Napisz jakiego rodzaju był to festiwal i kiedy miał miejsce - Opisz najciekawsze wydarzenie, w którym brałeś udział - Zasugeruj koleżance wydarzenie, które mogłaby włączyć do programu festiwalu - Zaproś koleżankę do wzięcia udziału w kolejnej edycji festiwalu w twoim mieście
Od 80 do 130 słów. Upewnij się, że poprawnie użyłeś/użyłaś czasów Past Simple oraz Past Continuous, aby opisać wydarzenia z przeszłości, oraz że przedstawiłeś/przedstawiłaś te wydarzenia w uporządkowany sposób za pomocą wyrażeń typu first, next, later i finally.
I have received your email in which you mentioned that you organize the contest similar to the one my city has arranged. I want to tell you about the young inventors festival that took place in my city last weekend. It was a festival where talented young people could share their ideas and prototypes of technologically improved devices. The best part of the event was the show on the main stage in the evening when the best inventors were showing their ideas in front of audience and jury. I was as excited as astonished, since I had not expected such great show. If you plan to make a similar event, you should think about the activities that the audience could take part in. It could be a chess competition for viewers or even video games booth where players would jostle for rewards.
I would like you to come to my city for the next edition of the young inventors festival. You will enjoy it!
Hi Kate
I have received your email in which you mentioned that you organize the contest similar to the one my city has arranged.
I want to tell you about the young inventors festival that took place in my city last weekend. It was a festival where talented young people could share their ideas and prototypes of technologically improved devices. The best part of the event was the show on the main stage in the evening when the best inventors were showing their ideas in front of audience and jury. I was as excited as astonished, since I had not expected such great show. If you plan to make a similar event, you should think about the activities that the audience could take part in. It could be a chess competition for viewers or even video games booth where players would jostle for rewards.
I would like you to come to my city for the next edition of the young inventors festival. You will enjoy it!