Przeczytaj zdania 1-6 i wybierz odpowiedz a blub c ktora uzupelni like , tak aby drugie zdanie miało to samo znaczenie , co zdanie wyjsciowe 1.We started renovating the house two months ago and we still haven't finished. A.have been renovating the house B.have renovated the house C.are renovating the house 2.The last time Mike did the ironing was a week ago. Mike.........the ironing for a week. A.didn't do B.hasn't done C.hasn't been doing 3.Who takes care of your cat while you're on holiday? who .........your cat while you're on holiday? A.looks after B.looks into C.looks up
Tak mi sie wydaje
2. B
2. C
Wydaje mi się, że to powinno być tak :)