Przeczytaj zadanie egzaminacyjne i jego przykładową realizację. Czy wszystkie punkty zawarte w poleceniu zostały prawidłowo zrealizowane?
Twój kuzyn z Cambridge przyjeżdża na kilka dni do Polski. Napisz do niego e-mail, w którym: - wyrażasz radość z powodu jego przyjazdu, - zapraszasz go na jakąś uroczystość w twojej szkole, - opisujesz, na czym polega taka uroczystość.
Przykładowa realizacja: Dear Matt, I'm happy. I'm writing to invite you to a special ceremony in my school. I'll tell you all about it when you get here. See you in two weeks' time. Take care, XYZ
Dear Matt, I'm so exciting your visit in Poland. I think that my country is very intresting. I'm writing this email to invite you on Independence Day in my school. This special ceremony is very important for us. In 1918 Poland recovered independent after 123 years slavery of Russia and Germany. Thanks for brave solidiers now we are free. In school students do presentation and they make a show of polish history. We sing national anthem with teatchers. See you soon! XXXX
I'm so exciting your visit in Poland. I think that my country is very intresting. I'm writing this email to invite you on Independence Day in my school. This special ceremony is very important for us. In 1918 Poland recovered independent after 123 years slavery of Russia and Germany. Thanks for brave solidiers now we are free. In school students do presentation and they make a show of polish history. We sing national anthem with teatchers. See you soon!