Przeczytaj tekst.Sposród wyrazów podanyc w ramce wyberz właściwe poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i leksyklanym , uzupełnij luk 1-5 .WPisz odpowidnią literę (A-J) obok numeru luki.Pięć wyrazów zostało podanych dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki .
HI Paulina. Today I want to tell you about the 1____ from my hotel window .It is amazing ! The hotel is on a steep 2______ , soone can see gor miles .Right in font , there is a very high mountain , with the 3_____covered in snow . On the mountain slope , there is a very high mountain , with the 3_____ covered in snow. ON the mountain slope , there are several 4_____ huts , and lots of cows grazing .To the left of te mountain , the land drops very sharply , all the way dow to sea-level. So , I can also see light - blue water , with several they call a million dollar vierw ! Wish you were here M.