Przeczytaj tekst z załącznika i odpowiedz na pytania 2.Are the Summer Olypic Games and the Winter Olympic Games in the same lyear? 3.Is archery an Olympic sport? 4.When are the Paralympics? 5.Why are there five rings on the Olympic flag? 6.Why are the colours of the Olympic flag blue, black, red, yellow and green?
2. No, they do not happen in the same year. 3. Yes, archery is the Summer Olympic Game. 4. the Paralympics take place in the same year as Summer Olympic Games. 5. 'Cause there are five continents. 6. It represent every color of country.
3. Yes, archery is the Summer Olympic Game.
4. the Paralympics take place in the same year as Summer Olympic Games.
5. 'Cause there are five continents.
6. It represent every color of country.