Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz właściwe, poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym, uzupełnienie luki 1-5. Zakreśl literę A,B lub C.
Hi Maggie, I'm really sorry for not writing for so long. But I have [ 1 ] great excuse: I think I've met [ 4 ] really special. He's really tall and handsome, with [ 3 ] thick black hair and great blue eyes. I think his father [ 4 ] from the Middle East - so he's got beautiful olive skin. I first saw him last Saturday. He [ 5 ] alone in our school cateferia. So I went up and asked if I could join him. He looked at me and smiled beautifully... Do you want to hear what happened next? Sorry - you have to wait till tomorrow. I must rush now. Luv,S.
2. A. one B. someone C. anyone 3. A. many B. a lot C. lots of 4. A.has come B. came C. comes 5. A. was sitting B. sat C. has sat