October 2018 2 53 Report

Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz właściwe ,poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym , uzupełnienie luk 1-5 .

Teens Think Clear!

Thousand of young people walked down the streets of European capital cities last Saturday,1.____________ the very lively Think Clear Marches. 2._____________ of the participants was sporting something white-a symbol of their protest against smoking in public places. This is the seventh time that the Think Clear campaign 3._________ organized,with more and more teenagers taking part every year . The 'Think Clear' slogan is intended 4.___________ public awareness of the harmful effects of smoking on our lunges. 5.___________ message is very simple : let's make the air we breathe clear of nicotine .

1.A. forming B. form C. to from

2.A. Every B. Each C. Any

3.A. had been B. will be C.has been

4.A. to raise B. for raising C. raising

5.A. - B. A C. The

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przeczytaj informacje o czterech osobach (1-4) oraz pięć porad zdrowotnych (A-E).Do każdej osoby dopasuj najwłaściwszą dla niej poradę. Wpisz odpowiednie liery obok numerów osób.Jedna porada została podana dodatkowo i niw pasuje do żadnej osoby.1.Justin: I think I've come down with some sort of a nasty cold. I'm feverish and very weak. My throat is so I haven't been eating properly for a few days. I also have a splittind headache.2.Ewa: I have a high temerature and i've come out in a rash. I have a terrible stomachache and I feel like vomiting all the time. Perhaps I ate something which disagreed with me last night? The meal I had wasn't exactly the healthiest in the world!3.Tina:I've put on weight recently and I feel so unfit. I feel addicted to sweets and fizzy drinks thought I know they couse health problems. I have frequent stomacheaches and headaches as well probably because of my bad eating habits.4.Yvonne: I have trouble falling asleep and I wake up a in a sweat a few times in the course of the night. I get panic attacks and end up with the most horrible headaches.I just feel worn-out as if didn't go to sleep at all.A. It seems like you're suffering from some kind of mental problem which prevents you from having a good rest. Headache pills won't to the trick here. You should see a consultant to discuss the possible reasons for your fatigue.B. These symptoms are most probably connected with your diet and the intake of sugar. It also seems your problem is psychological if you see a specialist to advise you on what to do.C. Your problems can be connected with your diet which is probably not rich enough in proteins, vitamins and minerals. The lack of these nutrients often results in headaches and loss of weight. Contact your GP for advice.D. Sports and nausea may be the symptoms of food poisoning or an infection. You need to see a doctor before you take any medicine.E. Stay in bed for as long as possible. Take some pills to reduce the temperature and a painkiller for the ache. Take lozenges to reduce the swelling . Call a doctor if the symptoms don't disappear within two days.

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