Przeczytaj tekst nastepnie podpisz potrawy na fotografiach . FAST FOOD people all over the world like fast food is food you can cook fast and eat fast ! youcan eat fast food in a restaurant.or the restaurant can on the street and with your fingers .many countries have got pizza. japan has got sushi is rice with different kinds of fish. germany has got sausages with chips. but the most famous fast food is from america . it s a hamburger with chips .americans call this a burger and fries. there are american fast food restaurants in over one hundred countries . is there one near you ? na zdjeciach sa hamburger , frytki z parówką , pizza i sushi kazde zdjecie osobne zad 2 wybierz właściwa forme zakreś a lub b . 1 everyone ....... fast food . a cooks b likes 2 you .......... eat fast food in the street. a can b can t 3 sushi is fast food from ............. a germany b japan 4 american fast food is ............. . a famous b the best 5 ............... countries have got american fast food. a lots of b some z góry dzieki dam naj i 49 pkt. jeszcze raz dziekuje :) pozdrawiam
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. a
zdjęcie: a hamburger, chips with sausage, a pizza, sushi
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