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Hi Stephanie,
How are you? I'm having a really good time here in Canada. It's so beautiful! I'm staying with my aunt. Her neybours are really friedly.There is a creak behind their house and I swim in it rvery day ! Sometimes I worry about beirs . My aunt told me to clapp my hands if I see one. I'm comming back mext winter when the bears are hibirnating
See you soon!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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back mext - back next
rvery day - every day
neybours - neighbor
friedly - friendly
beirs - bears
Hi Stephanie,
How are you? I'm have a really good time in Canada. It's beautiful! I'm
stay with my aunt. Her neybours are really friendly. There is a creak behind their house
and I swim in it every day ! Sometimes i worry about beirs. My aunt told me to clap my hands if see one. I'm coming back nexy winter when the beras are hibernating.
See you soon!
Napisalem jeszcze raz, ale usuwajac chyba wszystkie bledy ;D.