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look, person, expensive, we,see,he
It's Robbie's birthday next week. Shall we buy ____ a present? I ___ on the internet last night when I found a gadget site. They sell some really fantastic robot toys. How about one of them? You can buy robots that spy on ___, which I thought might be fun! The problem is they're a bit _____ than we can affrd! But we could ask Tim and Ben to buy it with ____
It's Robbie's birthday next week. Shall we buy HIMa present? I WAS LOOKINGon the internet last night when I found a gadget site. They sell some really fantastic robot toys. How about one of them? You can buy robots that spy onA PERSON, which I thought might be fun! The problem is they're a bit MORE EXPENSIVEthan we can afford! But we could ask Tim and Ben to buy it with US.
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iamnotyoursenpaiIt's Robbie's birthday next week. Shall we buy him a present? I looked on the internet last night when I found a gadget site. They sell some really fantastic robot toys. How about one of them? You can buy robots that spy on people, which I thought might be fun! The problem is they're a bit too expensive than we can afford! But we could ask Tim and Ben to buy it with us.
Wyraz, który został dodany dodatkowo to see.