October 2018 1 30 Report

Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij go, wpisując w każdą lukę (1–5) jeden wyraz z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. Wymagana jest
pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje
do żadnej luki.

big, health, do, nation, serve, difficult

Are School Dinners Good 4U ??
Well, actually, most of them are not, at least in England, says Jamie Olivier, the world-famous celebrity chef. He started thinking about
food 1 __________ at school when his own children were small. And Jamie has always hated junk food. He says: “More should be
2 __________ to spread the message that eating a healthy school meal is a great foundation for a kid’s education and future health”.
So, he started a 3 __________ campaign to make school kids eat well.
The first challenge was lack of money for expensive ingredients. So, he designed several low-budget recipes and persuaded some
schools to try them out. But then he ran into a much 4 __________ problem: kids didn’t want his dishes, they were still choosing
hamburgers, chips and other kinds of junk food! He then started to smuggle in vegetables and fruit, by making 5 __________
hamburgers and putting veggies in stews or into tortillas. Do you think he succeeded …?


Przeczytaj pary zdań 1–5. Uzupełnij każdą lukę, tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Wkażdym zdaniu brakuje
maksymalnie czterech elementów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.

1. I don’t know the recipe for that dessert.
Could you tell ______________________________ that dessert?
2. You know what? Making the icing is more difficult than I thought …
You know what? Making the icing is not ______________________________ seemed to me ...
3. Shall we ask mum for help with the jelly?
Why ______________________________ mum for help with the jelly?
4. If you don’t eat another piece, I’ll be disappointed.
I’ll be disappointed ______________________________ piece.
5. We have eaten the whole cake now.
There ______________________________ left.

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