Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij go, wpisując w każdą lukę (1-5) jeden wyraz z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. SŁOWNICTWO: they, tour, know, large, create, mile. The Eisriesenwelt Cave in Australia a ...... ice cave in the world. The cave is more then 26 ...... long and its name means 'World of the Ice Giants'. Milions of years ago, a river flowed through the mountain and ...... the passageway. It was ...... to the world until Anton Posselt discovered is during an exploration in 1879. However, the cave was familiar to locals, but none of ...... dared enter it as the believed it was the entrance to Hell. Below-zero temperatures and freezing winds from inside the cave keep the ice frozen all year round. These days, it's one of the most popular natural attractions in the Alps.
The Eisriesenwelt Cave in Australia a largest ice cave in the world. The cave is more then 26 mile long and its name means 'World of the Ice Giants'. Millions of years ago, a river flowed through the mountain and create the passageway. It was tour to the world until Anton Posselt discovered is during an exploration in 1879. However, the cave was familiar to locals, but none of know dared enter it as the believed it was the entrance to Hell. Below-zero temperatures and freezing winds from inside the cave keep the ice frozen all year round. These days, it's one of the most popular natural attractions in the Alps.
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Largest miles created unknown (ale w słowach do wyboru jest tylko know) them (w słowach jest they)
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