Przeczytaj poniższy wywiad i uzupełnij relację odpowiednimi informacjami. Me : Can I ask you a few queestions Maria : You can ask only one because I've got to be at the airport soon Me : Have you enjoyed your time in Britain? Maria : Yes, it's been a wonderful two weeks. I don't want to go back to LA today. Me : What did you like most about Britain? Maria : The people are great but I didn't like the foof. Me : When will you back? Security Mam : Sorry, Maria is leaving now.
Our reporter Mark Davies, intervieved Maria Loxley outside her hotel. He wondered ______ a few questions but she told him that ____ only because she ___ the airport soon. Mark asked her _______ in Britain and she replied that it _____ a wonderful two weeks and that _____ to go back LA _____ day. Mark then managed to ask a second question before she dissapeard. He asked ______ most about Britain. and she said that the people were great but that ______ the food! Mark then asked when ____ but a security man told him that ____ at thet time and she didn't answer the questions I jeszcze taki podpunkt : What is your answer to Questions 4? The teacher asked Peter __________