Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, zktórego usunięto 4 zdania. Uzupełnij luki (1–4) wtekście odpowiednimi zdaniami (A–E),
tak aby był on spójny ilogiczny. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo inie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Underground living has been a feature of fiction, such as the hobbit holes of the Shire as described in the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien
and The Underground City by Jules Verne. 1.... In fact, the number of these houses is constantly growing. People are beginning to
appreciate the advantages of underground homes and are choosing to live in them.
Underground living, just to make it clear, refers simply to living below the ground’s surface, whether in natural caves or in man-made
structures. 2.... Some of them are: almost constant comfortable temperature, peace and quiet, protection from hurricanes, tornadoes
and most weapon systems. One of the greatest advantages, however, is energy efficiency. 3.... . This very environmentally-friendly
aspect makes underground housing so popular, experts say.
With today’s technologies it is also possible to direct natural light into living spaces with light-tubes. 4.... . This is done by the use
of cameras or internet cam feeds. Even whole walls can show whatever view you want, even possibly with live audio recordings.
With all this in mind, it isn’t surprising more and more people are choosing this
option. Would you be interested in living like a hobbit?)
A: Virtual windows can provide any view you choose.
B: Underground living offers additional benefits when we compare it
to living in traditional buildings.
C:Underground houses were invented at least 3000 years ago.
D: More and more often this way of living actually becomes a reality.
E: It is believed that underground houses save around 80% on energy
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1 - D
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