December 2018 1 21 Report
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"Our last school trip' by Michał Kowal, 13 years old, Grade 6"
It was June. We were going on our last school trip to Sopot. Me and my friends wanted to go by train, but our parents decided that we should travel by coach. Unfortunately, our coach was late. We waited for almost two hours before it came. Then, after and hour, the coach broke down. We wainted for a long time for a mechanic. Finally, after about nine hours, we arrived on Sopot.
The next day, we couldn't go to the beach because it was raining. So, we went to the Sopot Museum. It was really boring. The weather stayed bad for the next two days, so we couldn't even for a walk. I really didn't like this trip.

1.Michał's friends preferred to travel by coach. Tak. Nie
2.The coach did not come on time. Tak. Nie
3.There was a technical problem with the coach. Tak. Nie
4.Michał enjoyed the visit to the museum. Tak Nie
5.The weather was sunny on the second day of the trip. Tak Nie
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