przeczytaj poniższy tekst uzupełnij odpowiedzi na pytania 1-5 zgodnie z treścią tekstu. 1.Who did the author write the article for. He wrote it for People who.......
2.How did his parents dell about his passion for Computer games. They.......
3.What Type of games doesn't he usually play now? He doesn't play.....
4.What happened when He talked to his parents about gaming. They became....
5.What things does He do so they he can play video games. He works hard at.....
1. He wrote it for people who play computer games
2.They didn't understand the games and we're getting angry
3.He doesn't play games that had a lot of fights and guns
4. They became more interested in the games themselves
5.He works hard at school and makes sure to spend time with his real friends