Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i uzupełnij luki: fox hunting began as a sport in the UK in the seventeenth century and many of 1.1............ traditional hunts are very old and well- established. Foxhounds have been 1.2.......... over centuries. On a typical hunt, a pack of foxhounds picks up the scent of a fox and follows it 1.3........ it is cornered and killed. The hunt follows on horseback and is led by a master of a hunt 1.4...... blows a bugle to tell riders in which direction to go. Hunts are seen as part of the country traditions, a way of the country traditions , a way of keeping down the fox population and 1.5....... a source of income. The League Against Cruel Sports 1.6....... been active against hunting for a long time and activists would often follow a hunt in 1.7....... to try to discrupt it.