Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i odpowiedz na pytania. THE TROJAN HORSE A long time ago, there was a big battle between the warriors of Greece and the people of Troy. Prince Paris from Troy escaped with the Greek quenn, Helen, and the Greeks wanted her back. The battle outside Troy lasted ten years. Finally, the Greeks worked out a plan. They created a big wooden horse with a hole in the middle. The Greek army pretended to go home, but they actually climbed inside the horse. The Trojans believed the war was over and the horse was a gift. They moved the horse inside the castle and celebrated. When the party ended, the wooden horse opened and the Greek warriors climbed out. They killed the sleeping Trojans and sailed for home with Quenn Helen. 1. Which city started the war? 2. What caused the war to start? 3. Where was the war? 4. How long did the war last? 5. How did the Greek army trick the Trojans? 6. What did the Trojan army do with the horse? 7. Why did the Trojans celebrate? 8. What did the Greek army do to end the war?