October 2018 1 23 Report

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needs summer workers

Four cleaners One kitchen assistant 1.cleaning the restaurant 2.laying the tables 3.washing the uniforms 4.doing the washing-up 5.tidying the rooms 6.making brekfast 7.doing the vacuuming 8.emptying the dishwasher 9.ironing the uniforms 10.helping the cooks....


1. The cleaners have to clean the restaurant. (przykład)

2. The kitchen assistant has to lay the tables. (znowu przykład) ;)

3. The cleaners _______________ the uniforms.

4. The kitchen assistant _______________ the washing-up.

5. The cleaners _______________ the rooms.

6. The kitchen assistant _______________ breakfast.

7. The cleaners _______________ the vacuuming.

8. The kitchen assistant _______________ the dishwasher.

9. The cleaners _______________ the uniforms.

10. The kitchen assistant _______________ the cooks.

Jakby co to są to ćwiczenia "up beat 2" jeśli ktoś miałyb takie to może miałby to zadanie już rozwiązane... ćw 3 str 86. Proszę o pomoc.

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