Przeczytaj list.Następnie znajdź w nim wyrazy i wyrażenia, które znaczą to samo, co wyrazy i wyrażenia 1-4 Dear Miriam, Can you help? My sister Elsa and I are quite similar. We're almost the same build. We're both quite sporty. But the thing is, all the good-looking boys like her, and not me! I wear trendy clothes, I spend ages on my hairstyle. My sister just wears the same old jeans, and no make-up, and all the boys love her. I suppose she's pretty and she does heve a nice smile, but I just don't understand ! How can I be the one to catch samebody's eye for once? Please help me ! 1 height and weight .... 2 the same .... 3 fit .... 4 attractive .....
1. almost the same build
2.quite similar
3.quite sporty
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