przeczytaj kolejne zadanie każdego podpunktu zrób listę słów i wyrażeń,których mógłbyś użyc w swoim e-mailu.Napisz swój e-mail. treść,która ma się znaleść w e-mailu:Właśnie wróciłeś z wycieczki do Londynu,gdzie poznałeś mieszkającą tam ciotkę. W e-mailu do kolegi: -napisz w jakich okolicznościach spotkaliście się z ciotką. - opisz, co ci się w niej najbardziej podoba. -napisz jakie masz związane z nią plany na przyszły rok. Podpisz się jako XYZ. Rozwiń swojąwypowiedź w każdym z 3 podpunktów, pamiętając , że długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear (imię),
I just came back from my trip in London. London is an amizing city, full of attractions and interesting people.
When I came to London I arranged with my aunt to meet up outside Picadilly Circus Underground Circus. I must say that I was just a little worried about travelling in the tube, but everything was clearly marked and I didn't get lost. My auntie was dressed in very formal clothes and when she saw me she waved to get my attention. After that we went to a restaurant to eat dinner. I had a pizza while my aunt had spaghetti.
When we ere waiting for dinner we talked about lots of things. I am glad that I met up with her, because last time I got to talk to her was last october and even then it was a telephone conversation. She told me lots of things about herself, where she lived and worked and went on holiday.
The thing that I valued the most in her, was that she treated me equally even though I am some 20 years younger than her. This is the thing I value the most, because I can't talk to my other auts like this.
We also talked about our next year's holiday plans. My aunt, hearing that I'm orginising a trip to the U.S.A asked me if she could go with me. I am very happy about that, because I really like her and I would love to spend some quality time with her.
Your XYZ.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam ♥