October 2018 1 18 Report
Przeczytaj fragment tekstu z którego usunięto cztery zdania i podano poniżej, Wstaw zdania aby powstał logiczny tekst. Could women be Vikings? Strictly speaking they could not. The Old Norse word vikingar is exclusively applied to men, usually those who sailed from Scandinavia raiding and trading in Britain and Europe. But some Vikings stayed behind and estabilished Scandinavian colonies.(1)__________ . Iceland, for instance was uninhabited, and permanent population could only be estabilished if women also made the jourey there. In regions with an indigenous population, Viking settlers may also have married local women. Most journeys from Scandinavia involed sea-crossings in small, open ships with no protection from the elementr. Families heading for the North Atlantic colonies would also have to take all the livestock they would also have to take all the livestock they would need to estabilish a new farm.(2)________. The Viking colonists settled down to the farming life in their new home, or estabilished themselves as traders and became town-dwellers. Both farming and trading were family businesses, and Viking women were often left in charge when their husbands were away or dead. (3)________ Merchants' scales and weights were found female graves in Scandinavia. The first Viking raiders who conquered much of England in the 860s and the 870s probably had camp-followers.(4)_________ However, recent finds of large numbers Scandinavian-style female jewellery, particulary in Lincolnshire, have been taken to show the presence of Scandinavian women there in the tenth century. These finds correlate well with the distribution of Scandinavian place-names in the same religion. A. They are likely to have had Scandinavian wives. B.There is also evidence that women could make living in commerce. C.Women could and did play a part in this process of settlement. D. Most women's lives were bound by hearth and home. E. These need not have been Scandinavian women. F.The journey cannot have been pleasant.

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