Przeczytaj fragment słownika i znajdz film,milk,play,ski,train.
cook (kuk)
1(N) a person who cooks
My dad is a cook.
2 (v) to prepare food by heating it.He cooks great spaghetti.
1 the pronunciation of cook.
2 two definitions.
3 two examples.
4 information about grammar
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1. film /fɪlm/
a) (n.) a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story, shown on television or at the cinema
-Let's stay in and watch a film.
b) (v.) to make a film/movie of a story or a real event
-They are filming in Moscow right now.
2. milk /mɪlk/
a) (n.) the white liquid produced by cows, goats and some other animals as food for their young and used as a drink by humans
-a bottle of milk
b) (v.) to take milk from a cow, goat, etc.
-We must milk a cow.
3. ski /skiː/
a) (n.) one of a pair of long narrow pieces of wood, metal or plastic that you attach to boots so that you can move smoothly over snow
-a pair of skis
b) (v.) to move over snow on skis, especially as a sport
-How well do you ski?
4.train /treɪn/
a) (n.) a railway/railroad engine pulling a number of coaches/cars or trucks, taking people and goods from one place to another
-to get on/off a train
b) (v.) to teach a person or an animal the skills for a particular job or activity; to be taught in this way
-They train dogs to sniff out drugs.