Przeczytaj dialog i uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników z ramki.
Wyrazy: stay, have, sleep, eat, jog, walk, play.
Mum: Hello Tom. Are you having a good haliday? Tom: Hi Mum! Yes, it's great. We're............. in a fantastic hotel near Central Park. Mum: Oh, that's nice. Is it noisy? Are you...............? Tom: It's fine, Mum. Mum: What about the food? Are you............... okay? Tom: Yes. The food is delicious. Mum: What are you doing at the moment? Tom: I'm........ in Central Park. People are running and........ Some boys are............ football. Mum: What are your plans for tomorrow? Tom: We've got tickets to the zoo. I can't wait! Mum: Well, have fun Tom and call me soon. Tom: Bye Mum!
Błagam to na teraz. Nie mam zielonego pojęcia jak to zrobić. Osobie która da odpowiedź odwdzieczę się naj, serduszkiem i pięcioma gwiazdkami!!!!!!
Mum: Hello Tom. Are you having a good holiday?
Tom: Hi Mum! Yes, it's great. We're staying in a fantastic hotel near Central Park.
Mum: Oh, that's nice. Is it noisy? Are you sleeping?
Tom: It's fine, Mum.
Mum: What about the food? Are you eating okay?
Tom: Yes. The food is delicious.
Mum: What are you doing at the moment?
Tom: I'm walking in Central Park. People are running and jogging. Some boys are playing football.
Mum: What are your plans for tomorrow?
Tom: We've got tickets to the zoo. I can't wait!
Mum: Well, have fun Tom and call me soon.
Tom: Bye Mum!