Przeczytałeś artykuł którego autor uważa że tylko dziewczęta powinny pomagać rodzicom w domu. napisz list do redakcji. wyjaśnij w jakiej sprawie piszesz i czy zgadzasz się z autorem tekstu przytocz dwa argumenty autora i skomentuj je przedstaw swoje argumenty i podaj przykłady z życia podsumuj list i odpowiednio go zakończ. 120-150 słów
I am writing to you in connection with the article appearing in your letter dated. 12.01.12r.
I would like to express its opinion on the above-mentioned article. In my opinion, boys shouldhelp with the housework. This involves the acquisition by them of responsibility andconscientiousness, which are important traits in adulthood. Learning stereotype that only girlsshould help in the house I think is wrong. Every boy should clean up after themselves andcook because they do not know what in later life can be found. Counting on someone's help I think is inappropriate.
Dear Sir/Madame,
I am writing to you in connection with the article appearing in your letter dated. 12.01.12r.
I would like to express its opinion on the above-mentioned article. In my opinion, boys shouldhelp with the housework. This involves the acquisition by them of responsibility andconscientiousness, which are important traits in adulthood. Learning stereotype that only girlsshould help in the house I think is wrong. Every boy should clean up after themselves andcook because they do not know what in later life can be found. Counting on someone's help I think is inappropriate.