Przeczytałeś/Przeczytałaś artykuł, którego autor uważa, że tylko dziewczęta powinny pomagać rodzicom w domu. Napisz list do redakcji. * Wyjaśnij w jakiej sprawie piszesz i czy zgadzasz się z autorem. Przytocz swa argumenty autora i przytocz je. Przedstaw swoje argumenty i podaj przykłady z zycia. Podsumuj list i odpowiednio go zakońć 120-150 słów. PILNE!!!!
I am writing toyou inconnection with thearticleappearingin yourletterdated.12.01.12r.
I would like toexpressitsopinion on theabove-mentionedarticle.In my opinion,boys shouldhelpwith the housework.This involvesthe acquisitionby themof responsibility andconscientiousness, which are importanttraitsin adulthood.Learningstereotypethat onlygirlsshould helpin the houseI think iswrong.Every boyshouldclean up afterthemselvesandcookbecause they do notknowwhatinlater lifecanbe found.Countingonsomeone'shelpI think isinappropriate.
Please respond as soon as possible. Yours Sincerely
Dear Sir/Madame,
I am writing toyou inconnection with thearticleappearingin yourletterdated.12.01.12r.
I would like toexpressitsopinion on theabove-mentionedarticle.In my opinion,boys shouldhelpwith the housework.This involvesthe acquisitionby themof responsibility andconscientiousness, which are importanttraitsin adulthood.Learningstereotypethat onlygirlsshould helpin the houseI think iswrong.Every boyshouldclean up afterthemselves andcookbecause they do notknowwhatinlater lifecanbe found.Countingonsomeone'shelpI think isinappropriate.
Please respond as soon as possible. Yours Sincerely