Przebywasz na wakacjach w kanadzie wróciłeś z wycieczki krajoznawczej opowiedz o najciekawszym miejscu jakie zwiedziłaś, jak spędzałaś tam czas, opowiedz o męczącej podrózy powrotnej.
ktoś mógłby mi taką króciutką rozmowę napisać?;) Dziękuje:)
I was on holidays in kanada. We toured Toronto. we were in Royal Ontario Museum and in the Casa Loma. A Casa Loma was most interesting place. Casa Loma it is small, neo-Gothic castle which by Terrace Austin, built in years 1911 - 14. He has 22 fireplaces and the first lift installed in Toronto. Outside is a garden which was restored is in 1990. all the time we toured interesting places, we had a good time. It was a curiously spent time and advisable history lesson of Canada.
the return trip was unbearable. At first we were stuck in a traffic jam to the aeroplane. later we lost my brother. We waited one hour to the bus. on their return to Poland guard stopped somebody on the airport and we had to wait. on my return home I went to bed.
all the time we toured interesting places, we had a good time. It was a curiously spent time and advisable history lesson of Canada.
the return trip was unbearable. At first we were stuck in a traffic jam to the aeroplane. later we lost my brother. We waited one hour to the bus. on their return to Poland guard stopped somebody on the airport and we had to wait. on my return home I went to bed.
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