Proszeeeeeeeee rozwiązanie tej diabelskiej krzyżówki !!!
Będę pisał po polsku bo nie mam takiego levela angielskiego the building where Jesus was born stajenka king who want to kill Jesus Herod Jesus' mother Maria joseph's job stolarstwo the town where Jesus was born Betlejem one of the gifts brought by the wise man złoto/mirra/kadzidło the empire that controlled Bethlehem Rzym the angel that came the Maryja Archanioł Gabriel how many wise man where there? 3
the building where Jesus was born stajenka
king who want to kill Jesus Herod
Jesus' mother Maria
joseph's job stolarstwo
the town where Jesus was born Betlejem
one of the gifts brought by the wise man złoto/mirra/kadzidło
the empire that controlled Bethlehem Rzym
the angel that came the Maryja Archanioł Gabriel
how many wise man where there? 3