prosze to przetłumaczyć na język angielski w czasie present simple i present continous prosze daje naj
15.idziemy jutro do kina.
16.czy ten stolarz robi drewniane meble?
17.gdzie jedziesz w przyszła sobote?
18.żadko chodzimy na basen.
19.moja siostra maluje teraz obraz.
20.kate spędza wolny czas nad jeziorem.
21.on nie lubi robić zdjęć.
22.czy jego siostra przygotowuje śniadanie?
23.gdzie spędzacie wolny czas?
24.rozmawiam teraz z nauczycielem.
25.on nie pracuje w fabryce.
26.grasz w tennisa dziś po południu?
27.ona zazwyczaj robi zakupy w supermarkecie.
28.czy ona lubi chodzić do kina.
29.oni zawsze pija kawe na śniadanie.
30.pan smith ma dwa domy w usa i trzy samochody w anglii.
31.samolot do londynu odlatuje o 7 rano.
32.oni nie grają codziennie w piłkę.
33.anna zawsze czyta interesujące gazety.
34.ona pracuje codziennie w sklepie.
35.oni nie mają języka angielskiego w piątki.
36.uczniowie zazwyczaj kończą lekcje o 3.
37.ona codziennie wraca do domu o 5.
38.czy oni bawią się teraz w ogrodzie?
39.ona nie leci jutro do hiszpani.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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15.We going tomorrow to the cinema.
16.Whether the carpenter is doing wooden furniture?
17.Where going in the future Saturdays?
18.Rarely walk to the swimming pool.
19.My sister he paints now picture.
20.Kate spends his free time on the lake.
21.He likes do not photos.
22.Whether his sister prepare breakfast?
23.Where For free time?
24.Talke now with a teacher.
26.It does not work at the factory.
27.Being in tennis today in the afternoon?
28.That he or she likes walk to the cinema.
29.They always has coffee for breakfast.
30.Mr Smith has two houses in the USA and three cars in England.
31.The aircraft to London that by 7 in the morning.
32. They do not play daily in football.
33. Anna always interesting reading newspapers.
34. It is working daily in the shop.
35. They do not have an English on Fridays.
36. Students normally come to the end of lessons 3.
37. It daily returns to the house of 5.
38. Whether they entertain is now in the garden?
39. It does not fly tomorrow to Spain.
namenczyłam się :DD
We are going to the cinema tomorrow
Does this carpenter make wooden furniture?
Where are you going next Saturday?
We rarely go to the swimming pool.
My sister is painting a picture now.
Kate spends her free time at the lake.
He doesn't like taking pictures.
Is his sister making breakfast?
Where do you spend your free time?
I'm talking to the teacher now.
He doesn't work in a factory.
Are you playing tennis this afternoon?
She usually does the shopping in a department store.
Does she like going to the cinema?
She always drinks coffee to breakfast.
Mr Smith has got two houses in the USA and three cars in England.
The airplane to London takes off at 7 in the morning.
They don't play football everyday.
Anna always reads interesting newspapers.
She works in a shop everyday.
They don't have English classes on Fridays.
Students usually finish their classes at 3 o'clock.
She comes back home at 5 o'clock everyday.
Are they playing in the garden now?
She isn't flying to Spain tomorrow.
Odpowiedź wyżej ma niestety bardzo dużo błędów.