Prosze!! przetłumaczcie mi to na angielski żeby było mniej wiecej poprawne czasowo...
pewnego ciepłego dnia, kiedy byłam u koleżanki, niespodziewanie zagrzmiało i zaczął padać deszcz. akurat grałyśmy w karty kiedy spadły pierwsze krople. były duże i ciężkie. opadały na ziemie niczym wielkie głazy i rozbijały sie o podłoże. na początku byłyśmy spokojne, lecz po paru głośnych i dość bliskich grzmotach uświadomiłyśmy sobie ze jesteśmy w niebezpieczeństwie. dom znajomej był położony bardzo nisko i rosnąca powierzchnia wody mogła się do niego Wedrzeć. tata Karoliny ( bo tak miała na imię moja koleżanka) kazał nam wejść na strych i poczekać aż sytuacja się uspokoi. powiedział ze to tylko na wszelki wypadek i nie mamy się o co martwic, lecz my wiedziałyśmy ze to coś poważnego. siedziałyśmy przed komputerem póki nie wyłączyli nam prądu. wtedy zaczęłyśmy Myślec nad rozwiązaniem. zapaliłyśmy świeczkę i zaczęłyśmy rysować plan domu. ,,nie musicie się bać, już zabezpieczyłem wszystko. ale ty Natalio, musisz zostać u nas na noc póki woda dostatecznie nie opadnie'' posłuchałam się taty Karolci. był bardzo miły i troskliwy. to świadczy o tym, ze nawet tak niemiły typ jak ojciec mojej koleżanki może się zmienić. już nigdy nie zapomnę tej nocy.
A warm day, when I was at the girls, suddenly rang and it started to rain. We play just a card when the first drops fell. were large and heavy. fell to the ground like giant boulders and shattered against the ground. at the beginning we were calm, but after a couple of loud and quite close to the thunderous uświadomiłyśmy we are in danger. friend's house was located very low and increasing surface water can penetrate to him. Carolina dad (because it's name was my friend) told us to go to the attic and wait until the situation calms down. said this is just in case, and we do not have to worry about, but we knew it was something serious. we sat at the computer until we turned off the electricity. Then we started thinking about a solution. zapaliłyśmy candle and started to draw a plan of the house. , You do not have to fear, already have secured everything. but you Natalie, you have to be with us for the night until the water drops are not sufficiently listened to Dad''karolcia. was very nice and attentive. This shows that even such a bad type as the father of my friend may change. you will never forget this night Zaproponuj lepsze tłumaczenie
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Warm day , when I was at the girls, suddenly rang and it started to rain. just grałyśmy card when the first drops fel . were large and heavy. fell to the ground like giant boulders and shattered against the ground. at the beginning we were calm, but after a couple of loud and quite close to the thunderous uświadomiłyśmy we are in danger. friend's house was located very low and increasing surface water can penetrate to him. Carolina dad (because it was the name of my friend) told us to go to the attic and wait until the situation calms down. said this is just in case, and we do not have to worry about, but we knew it was something serious. we sat at the computer until we turned off the electricity. Then we started thinking about a solution. zapaliłyśmy candle and started to draw a plan of the house. , You do not have to fear, already have secured everything. but you Natalie, you have to be with us for the night until the water drops are not sufficiently listened to Dad''karolcia. was very nice and attentive. This provides the fact that even as a bad type as the father of my friend may change. never forget that night.
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card when the first drops fel . were large and heavy. fell to the ground like giant boulders and shattered against the ground. at the beginning we were calm, but after a couple of loud and quite close to the thunderous uświadomiłyśmy we are in danger. friend's house was located very low and increasing surface water can penetrate to him. Carolina dad (because it was
the name of my friend) told us to go to the attic and wait until the situation calms down. said this is just in case, and we do not have to worry about, but we knew it was something serious. we sat at the computer until we turned off the electricity. Then we started thinking about a solution. zapaliłyśmy candle and started to draw a plan of the house. , You do not have to fear, already have secured everything. but you Natalie, you have to be with us for the night until the water drops are not sufficiently listened to Dad''karolcia. was very nice and attentive. This provides
the fact that even as a bad type as the father of my friend may change. never forget that night.