PROSZE PRZETLUMACZCIE MI TO NA JEZYK ANGIELSKI ! GALAY -najwieksze centrum handlowo-rozrywkowe w Szczecinie.Znajduje sie na Placu Rodla.Ma powierzchnie ok.94000m*.Wlascicielem obiektu jest firma Echo Investmen.Zostalo otworzone 1 pazdziernika 2003r.Bylo wowczas najwiekszym centrum w woj. zachodnio pomorskim.Sa w nim trzy pietra a na nich ok.170 sklepow.Posiada 2 parkingi . W wolnych chwilach mozna przyjsc do Galaxy np na kregle,czy do kina .Do dzis odwiedzilo go ponad poltora miliona osob.Polecam szczegolnie Galaxy do zakupow bo jest duzy wybor produktow i mozna przyjemnie spedzic czas na rozrywce. BARDZO PILNE I NA DZIS PROSZE!BEDE WDZIECZNA tylko nie ztranslatorow itp bo to jest dziecinnie smieszne tlumaczenie z glowy bardzo bym prosila :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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the greatest shopping and entertainment center in Szczecin.Located on the Square Rodla.It has an area of approximately 94000m *.
Property owner is a company Echo Investment.It was opened 1 october 2003r(two thousand three)Was the biggest city in Western Pomerania. There are three floors in it for them and about 170 shops.It has 2 parking lots.In his spare time you can come to the Galaxy, eg the bowling or the cinema.Until today, visited by over a half million people.I recommend especially for the purchases because the Galaxy is a large selection and can spend time on entertainment. myślę ze dobrze napisałam.Liczę na naj :):):):):):):) poooozdrooowioooonkoooooo :):):):):):):)Galay is the biggest szhopping center in Szczecin. It's located on the Rold square. It has about 94000 square meters, and the owner is Echo Investmen company. It has been open 1st of October 2003. In this time it was the biggest shopping center in our west-pomorsi province. There are three floors and there is about 170 shops. It has 2 car parks. In free time you can come to Galaxy to play for example - bowling or to the cinema. Until today there were more than about 1.5 million visiters. I recommend Galaxy for shopping becouse of big choice of products and you can nicelly spend your time there.
Na Bank Jest OK! Liczę na naj<333
PS: znam sie troche - 2 lata w Wielkiej Brytani i wciąż tu mieszkam ;)