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Było ciepłe popołudnie zeszłego lata . Dominik, Kuba i Bartek wraz z przyjaciółmi z klasy byli na wakacjach pod żaglami na morzu śródziemnym. Bartek was standing on the deck of the boat patrzą w niebo. Black clouds were gathering i nadchodziła burza. Oni byli w środku burzy. The boat was rocking from side to side i ogromne fale uderzały w nią. Oni zdali sobie sprawę, że są w niebezbieczeństwie i Dominik radioed for help. A bolt of lightining stuck the bat and The mast burst into flames. Bartek powiedział chłopakom i dziewczynom , żeby wsiadali d trtwy ratunkowej. They jumpe into the life raft. Łódź stanęła w płomieniach i maszt zaczął płonąć nagle, they heard the sound of a boat. Oni zaczęli krzyczeć i machać. To była straż przybrzeżna. Oni zostali uratowani i czuli ulge.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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It was a sunny afternoon last summer. Dominic, Cuba, and Bart and his friends from the class were on vacation sailing in the Mediterranean. Bart was standing on the deck of the boat looking at the sky. Black clouds were gathering and approaching storm. They were in the middle of the storm. The boat was rocking from side to side, and huge waves smashed into it. They realized that they are in niebezbieczeństwie and Dominik radioed for help. A Bolt of Lightning stuck the bat and The mast burst into flames. Bart said the boys and girls to boarded d trtwy rescue. They jump into the life raft. The boat was in flames and the mast suddenly began to burn, They heard the sound of a boat. They started shouting and waving. It was the Coast Guard. They were rescued and feel relief.
It was a warm afternoon last year.Dominik, Kuba and Bartek were sailing together with their classmates in the Mediterranean Sea. Bartek was standing on the deck of the boat looking at the sky. Black clouds were gathering and
a storm was coming. They were in the middle of the storm. The boat was rocking from side to side and huge waves were hitting in it. They realised they are in danger and Dominik radioed for help. A bolt of lightening stuck the bat and the mast burst into flames. Bartek told the girls an boys to come into a life boat. They jumped into it. Then their boat burst into flames and the mast started to burn . Suddenly they heard the sound of a boat. They started to shout and wave. It was a life guard. They were saved and felt relieved.