August 2018 2 39 Report
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Road Klaudio
During the today's English lesson I learnt much of interesting things, since we talked about scientists. How they started their adventure with their discoveries and inventions. That is for example how Isaac Newton hit the law of gravity, as well as I learnt about the inventor which so far I didn't know and Philo Farnsworth which he found is it fuzor, that is kind of the television system. Certainly you are interesting how hit these ideas, so briefly for you will describe them. So Newton suited Izaac just into a sunny day under the apple tree. When fell asleep each for him an apple fell. When came home he started thinking how it is possible that the apple got down to earth. And this way after 15 years of the event just hit the law of gravity, which póżniej described in his work. Whereas Philo Farnsworth hit upon an idea at the work in field. When looked at potatoes stated that line after lini, point by point electrons could scratch a television picture on the screen. It napewno thanks to him we can now watch TV. I think that you liked my letter. I am waiting for the response.

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