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In the picture you can see a young student who is sitting in front of the TV and his mother who is speaking to him.
The boy didn´t do his homework, all days watches TV and playes computer games. When the mother asks what is the reason of his behaviour, the boy said words that his mother didn´t except. She was in shock and didn´t know what to say. A moment later the woman explained to him that isn´t always so bad as he thinks and he can´t think so pessimistically. She said that if he get a well-paying job he may have everything. The boy thought still for a moment and went to his room to do his homework.
In my opinion doing homework is useful. If you do your homework, you will learn. But I think students should be given no more than 10 minutes per grade level per night. Homework can be helpful in learning but if we have them too much, we become overtired and then we don´t learn anythng.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In the picture you can see a young student who is sitting in front of the TV and his mother who is speaking to him.
The boy didn´t do his homework, all days watches TV and playes computer games.
The boy didn´t do his homework. He watches TV and playes computer games all days .
When the mother asks what is the reason of his behaviour, the boy said words that his mother didn´t except.
Tu jest niekonsekwencja gramatycna - ona pyta w czasie teraxniejszym prostym, on odpowiada w przeszłym. Warto też pamiętać o następstwie czasów. Dlatego:
When the mother asked what was the reason of his behaviour, the boy said words that his mother didn´t except.
She was in shock and didn´t know what to say.
A moment later the woman explained to him that isn´t always so bad as he thinks and he can´t think so pessimistically.
Trochę nieogocznie i niegramatycznie. Proponuję:
A moment later the woman explained to him that it wasn´t always so bad as she thought that he souldn't think so pessimistically.
She said that if he get a well-paying job he may have everything.
Podobnie j.w.
She told him, taht if he got a well-PAID job he might have everything.
The boy thought still for a moment and went to his room to do his homework.
In my opinion doing homework is useful.
If you do your homework, you will learn.
Tutaj nieporzebnie 1 okres warunkowy.
Albo proste zdanie: If you do your homework you learn a lot. Albo bardziej filozoficznie: If one does his homeworks, he will learn much.
But I think students should be given no more than 10 minutes per grade level per night.
Nie bardzo rozumiem ten "per grade level per night" - chodzi o przedmiot z dnia na dzień? Jesli tak, to:
But I think students should be given no more than 10 minutes of homework per subject daily.
Homework can be helpful in learning but if we have them too much, we become overtired and then we don´t learn anythng.
Tylko stylistyczna poprawka:
Homework can be helpful in learning but if we have too much of it, we become overtired and then we don´t learn anythng.
1. In the picture you can see a young student who is sitting in front of the TV and his mother who is speaking to him.
Sugestie: "who is" można pominąć, ponieważ informacja wynika z kontekstu zdania, można też pominąć "the" przy "TV"
2. The boy didn´t do his homework, all dayswatches TV and playes computer games.
Błędy językowe: days, playes. Nie istnieje takie coś jak "all days". Prawidłowe formy: watches TV all day long, plays.
Gramatyka: Miszmasz czasów. Najpierw jest odniesienie do przeszłości (Past Simple), potem jest uogólnienie (Present Simple). Najlepiej jeżeli całe zdanie przeniesiemy do aspektu generalizacji, ponieważ dzięki temu nie będziemy musieli odnosić się do jakiegoś wymyślonego wydarzenia. A więc:
The boy doesn't do his homework, watches TV all day long, and plays computer games.
3. When the mother asks what is the reason of his behaviour, the boy said words that his mother didn´t except.
Sugestie: "mother" funkcjonuje jako osoba, nie potrzebujemy tu rodzajnika.
Błędy językowe: except znaczy z wyjątkiem. Chodziło Ci o czasownik expect - spodziewać się.
Gramatyka: miszmasz czasowy; w pierwszej części masz Present Simple ("asks"), w drugiej Past Simple ("said"). Czyli prawidłowo będzie:
When the mother asks what is the reason of his behaviour, the boy says words that his mother doesn't expect.
4. She was in shock and didn´t know what to say.
Błędy językowe: mała wisienka na torcie: rodzajnik "a" przed "shock".
5. A moment later the woman explained to him that isn´t always so bad as he thinks and he can´t think so pessimistically.
Gramatyka: Nie rozumiem sensu tego zdania, ale domyślam się, że chodziło coś takiego:
A moment later the woman explained to him that it was not always as bad as he thought and he couldn't t think so pessimistically.
Czyli: W chwilę potem kobieta wyjaśniła mu, że nie jest tak źle jak zawsze oraz że nie może myśleć tak pesymistycznie.
Mamy tutaj do czynienia z tzw. reported speech, czyli mową zależną.
6. She said that if he get a well-paying job he may have everything.
Błędy językowe: well-paid, nie well-paying.
Gramatyka: Znowu reported speech. Zdanie w mowie zależnej będzie brzmiało następująco:
She said that if he would get a well-paid job, he could have everything.
7. The boy thought still for a moment and went to his room to do his homework.
Błędy językowe: nie ma czegoś takiego jak "to think still". Po prostu "thought", bo najpewniej chodziło Ci o coś w rodzaju "myślał przez chwilę".
8. In my opinion doing homework is useful. If you do your homework, you will learn.
Błędy językowe: drugie zdanie funkcjonuje jako ogólna zależność, więc nie ma sensu stosować pierwszego okresu warunkowego; lepiej sprawdzi się zerowy:
If you do your homework, you learn.
9. But I think students should be given no more than 10 minutes per grade level per night.
Jeśli wyjaśnisz mi na PW, co miałeś na myśli przez "per grade level per night", to mogę przeanalizować to zdanie. Bo tak to nie mam pojęcia, o co tu chodziło :)
1O. Homework can be helpful in learning but if we have them too much, we become overtired and then we don´t learn anythng.
Sugestie: znacznie ładniej brzmi "but if we have too much of them"; nigdy w życiu nie słyszałem słowa "overtired", brzmi to jak kalka z polskiego. Może być, ale ładniej brzmi "exhausted" albo po prostu "tired".